Career Information
Career Information
Career Cruising - Career Cruising: From career profiles written in student-friendly language, to multimedia video content, digital learning games and a modern, intuitive interface, Career Cruising engages WWT students to learn about themselves, explore their career options, create a plan, and bring that plan to life.
America's Job Bank: An online employment agency with links to 1800 employment services. Search by location for a specific job.
Career Net: Web links to national job sites for individual employers, health care and government positions.
Internet's Online Career Center: Online job listings, classified ads, recruiting agencies, commercial services and reference materials on conducting a job search.
NCS Career Magazine: A student resource on all aspects of job search planning and jobs research.
Occupational Outlook Handbook: The online version of the government handbook is searchable and has valuable information of future trends and employment outlook.
Michigan Career Explorer